By analyzing pieces of Ardy Laings short text, and trying different experiments of our own based off the text helped the class and myself analyze ourselves and be more in touch with who we are. Apart of knowing who I am, is knowing where I came from, apart of knowing where I came from, is knowing the steps that have taken me from when I was a baby to who I am now, even if I am not aware of the journey I have come through, every day. Conscious or unconscious realizing that there is more to me than I may realize there is more to life than i am living.
But how can we grow as people if we don't understand our thinking process. A very important part of who we are is our brain and our thinking process. Weather we realize it or not, our minds are flowing with thoughts and we are constantly thinking. Even when we are sleeping we are still thinking, the result of that is dreams. Sometimes i cant fall asleep at night, i often lie in bed for hours before falling asleep. This happens because i cannot calm my thoughts down, i cant stop thinking. Either there is something on my mind bothering me, distracting me from going to sleep. Thinking and dreaming is related.
"Our capacity to think, except in the service of what we are dangerously deluded in supposing in our self-interest, and in conformity with common sense, is pitifully limited: our capacity even to see, hear, touch, taste, and smell is so shrouded in veils of mystification that an intensive discipline of un learning is necessary for anyone before one can begin to experience the world afresh, with innocence, truth and love." Ardy Lang
My reaction to what Ardy Laings quote is the way we think and live is automatic We don't really have control over our thoughts or our actions. We just go with the sensations our body feels, we don't really think about it that much. We think all the time, but we rarely live off meta cognition thinking, thinking about our thinking in school or our everyday lives. People who think at this level perform better in school and are thinking on a more intellectual level. But we rarely think about our thinking. We just make decisions but dont wonder why did i make that decision, or why did i choose something over another thing. People live out of habit and we live automatic lives, living automatically isn't really living at all. It's as if we are robots living a life without even thinking about anything. We are like robots, we have the same routines everyday. When you first learn to do something you think about each step you put into it. Like driving for example, when you are learning how to drive, you pay attention to every detail and can recall every turn you made to reach your final destination. But once you start driving for years, you drive out of habit and put little thought into where you are going. Last year in class we watched the movie "Memento" The main character had lost his memory and said "Habit and routine make my life possible." He had lost his memory so he had no new memories to help him everyday. Habit, routine, and a lot of notes made him live as an automatic thinker.
Ardy Lang believes "As men of the world, we hardly know of the existence of the inner world; we barley remember our dreams, and make little sense of them when we do;" Ardy Lang argues that dreams mean something, and one reason people don't know the very meaning of themselves is because we don't remember our dreams and we don't ever stop to think what do our dreams really mean. In class we keep a dream journal, and paid more attention to our dreams. People easily forget their dreams, which is why it is important to write down your dream right after you wake up. I often have more than one dream in the night and my dreams tend to play like a movie without a beginning or an ending. I often don't see what happens in the end of my dreams, they usually cut off. Similar to the music video we watched in class. Where the man was lying of the street and everyone was surrounding him and wanted to know why he was lying down. He responded by telling the people "You don't want to know why I'm lying here" the crowd grew larger and they asked him if he was lying there because there was no point in living and he responded no. The man eventually told the people why he was lying on the floor but we couldn't hear what he was saying, soon the whole crowd was lying on the floor. This is similar to my dreams because there are so many dreams where i never see the end, and i want to see the outcome of my dream but never do.
My imagination is less realistic and you often imagine about your desires in life, dreams are similar. I often dream about my desires and in life. Your imagination and your day dreams are less realistic, while my dreams often seem very real, so real while I'm dreaming i think its real life. My dreams fool me while I'm sleeping. Unless I'm having a lucid dream, where I'm aware i am dreaming i think its real life. I rarely have lucid dreams, but they are the most enjoyable dreams to have because you can play around in your dream. It's like living in a different world for a little and any thing you do has no outcome. One reason life can be boring is because we constantly thinkg about the effect our decisions will have on our lives.
I'm in my own little world a lot of the time. I think that dreaming and your imagination are similar, but not the same. You have control over your imagination and your thoughts in class. But you have no control over your dreams. I think dreams are more meaningful than your imagination, because dreams are the root of your inner most desires. Dreams lead to the root of you, and dreams ofter reveal a lot about a person and their thoughts. People try to hide their feelings and emotions while awake, but when dreaming you can see how you really feel and what you really want. People choose to not pay attention to dreams because they think they mean nothing. After reading Fromm, and the Ardy Lang articles i am paying more attention to my dreams because there is more meaning in our dreams that we would come to realize.
"A dream is a microscope through which we look at the hidden occurrences in our soul."- Erich Fromm. I value what Fromm is saying here because i relate this statement to my dreams. My dreams are personal and weird but always tell me something about myself.
"As adults, we have forgotten most of our childhood, not only its contents but its
flavour"- Ardy Lang. I somewhat agree with Ardy Lang. I don't remember much of my childhood, but my childhood still has an essence to it. I cant describe it but there is a flavour in the memory of my childhood. I have forgotten most of my childhood, there are random times of my youth i remember but i will always carry the essence of my childhood with me throughout life.
My childhood is like a vague dream. Just like dreams i only remember the highlights, and i don't recall the details. With certain memories i have certain emotions and feelings that go along with those memories. I feel like i do remember the essence of my childhood. There are a few reasons that i remember the essence of my childhood. I have lived in the same neighborhood since i was a little girl, and memories are sparked everyday when i come home. I have also gone to SOF from sixth grade until now. I was constantly around the same enviorment, at home and at school and i was constantly reminded of my past. I also see a lot of the same people i knew in middle school. But i feel like a lot of people are not reminded of their past that much. Many kids move, they change schools, and meet new people and as people get older we forget who we once were. In the movie Harold and Maude, Harold has lost touch with himself. His mother is to blame. Life for Harold seems meaningless and he fakes death in his house. Maude was Harold's push, and she helped him become more in touch with his body.
The main points I have gotten from Ardy Langs excerpt is what we call normal, what we are taught to believe is normal is a form of destruction. We are taught not to be ourselves, but to experience the world the way people tell us to experience things. We are stripped of our deeds; we're alienated from our everyday lives. Children are free, happy, and in touch with themselves more than anyone else and that is the easiest time to manipulate a person. Everyone is taught to grow up. Since children can be easily taught or brainwashed, most of us are "lost" all together. When you are a child, you enjoy life. You don’t think about making money as an adult and you don’t even picture yourself working in an office firing workers and yelling at people. Business men were once young and did’t see themselves as corrupt business people, but that is who they have become. As Ardy Lang said “As men of the world, we hardly know the existence of the inner world;” The way we grow up we are all more or less alienated from our bodies. That is why most adults and teenagers smoke weed, drink alcohol, or other types of drugs. It makes you feel like you’re for the first time seeing life the way you should see the world. Like these substances opened up a whole new world for you. Where being in a different state is better than being sober. I don’t understand how Ardy Lang who says we are alienated from ourselves took acid? He must have been alienated himself although he still had good insight to our class.
"If we are stripped of our experience, we are stripped of our deeds; and if our deeds are, so to say, taken out of our hands like toys from the hands of children."-Ardy Lang. Ardy Lang believes we are not aware of our bodies and we don't experience the world fresh the way we should. He believes we are taught as children to loose our self and experience life the way we should experience it. One example of children being taught to feel certain emotions is the Care Bears. The moral of the show is to treat your friends well, and that you should always be happy and that grumpy is not the way to act. How we deal with our feelings is different for everyone, and everybody acts differently according to the way they feel. But in the end we pretty much end up acting more or less the same. But then again we did all watch the same shows growing up, so that explains a lot. Everyone more or less live the same life, just in different bodies. Most teenagers through adult years are alienated, but the world we live in its hard to impossible not to be alienated from our bodies and really experience the world the way we were meant to experience it. Ways to become alienated are video games, movies, cell phones, ipods, AIM, myspace, facebook, TV, and computers. We more or less live in a virtual world. Video games are the most extreme form of alienation in my opinion because you are virtually someone else doing something you would never do in real life, its like your in a dream state. Maybe if we paid more attention to our dreams we wouldn't feel the need to play video games.
After taking this class, and reading this text and analyzing what Ardy Lang and Erich Fromm has to say I will defiantly not only pay more attention to my body, my emotions, my feelings, my dreams but I will try and think why do I feel this way and what is making me feel a certain way. Ardy Lang’s text is serious and very controversial. Although it is arguable no one in our class put down everything that Ardy Lang had to say, everyone in my class including myself agreed with the points he was making and I have never heard life being talked about from that point of view, and it makes me think what kind of world are we living in.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
7th chunk
How we deal with our feelings is different for everyone, and everybody acts differently according to the way they feel. But in the end we pretty much end up acting more or less the same. Ardy Laing said "Society highly values its normal man. It educates children to lose themselves and to become absurd, and thus to be normal." This is very true, people want to be considered normal, and people will act differently to be just like everyone else. In class we watched the show Care Bears. This is an example according to Ardy Laing of how we educate children to lose themselves, they are brainwashed. Even though i never watched Care Bears, i watched other shows such as Barney, Sesame Street, the Rugrats, Ren and stimpy (the weirdest show ever by the way), hey Arnold, full house, boy meets world, Rocco's modern life and some others but those were the TV shows i watched when i was younger. A lot of these shows had a moral to them, and they always wanted to do good deeds and be a good person. Full house is a perfect example of a show with "good morals".
The pizza pie of my emotions consists of these emotions. 1/4 Happy-with friends people i enjoy being around. 1/4 worthless, i feel like me in the world, is nothing in comparison with everything around me and my life is pointless. 1/8 hyper, mostly at nights. 1/8 tired and lazy and just need to do nothing and relax. 1/8 disconnected with everything around me.
I am happy when i am laughing, i feel worthless in life because who am i in the big picture of things? I'm nothing a speak of dust. This makes me feel disconcerted because i feel whats the point and i am very lazy, I'm tired a lot of the time and i am not a morning person, i often never remember my mornings because i don't pay attention to things when i am tired. I also have a lot of energy which is why i like playing sports and running around.
When we listened to music in class it made me realize that music makes people feel a certain way and can express an emotion more strongly. For example when your watching a scary movie, they play high pitched violin music or whatever and it really does make you scared more. It doesn't make sense to play reggaton at a funeral because that type of music is upbeat.
I wasn't in class when we talked about the nozicks machine, but the way it was explained to me was you could enter the machine and do what ever you want, for example time travel, fly, swim underwater. If i could i would enter the machine, i would rather travel throughout time and travel all over the world and see what this world really has to offer than live out my life. I don't even enjoy half of the things i do, i feel like i am forced to do things all the time. My parents have me go places with them, where i don't want to go. I don't want to go to school, i really don't like school but i still have to go because if i didn't i would be in a even worse situation. I would say that i spend 50% of my time actually doing things i like doing.
Ardy Lang said " Our capacity to see, hear, touch, taste, and smell is so shrouded in veils of mystification that an intensive discipline of un-learning is necessary for anyone before one can begin to experience the world afresh, with innocence, truth and love." Ardy Laing said we are taught at a young age to loose ourselves, our feelings are easily manipulated. The care bears is a show teaching kids to feel a certain way.
Looking over my feelings throughout the past few weeks in class i noticed i usually said the same thing. On a typical day i was content with my self, i felt ok being in school. Not great, not bad. I was also tired a lot of the time, those were the morning classes. Whenever I'm in school i always think about being out of school, what am i doing this weekend and so on.
A lot of the time we don't deal with out feelings the right way. I don't always deal with my emotions the way i should, i tend to overreact sometimes. x
The pizza pie of my emotions consists of these emotions. 1/4 Happy-with friends people i enjoy being around. 1/4 worthless, i feel like me in the world, is nothing in comparison with everything around me and my life is pointless. 1/8 hyper, mostly at nights. 1/8 tired and lazy and just need to do nothing and relax. 1/8 disconnected with everything around me.
I am happy when i am laughing, i feel worthless in life because who am i in the big picture of things? I'm nothing a speak of dust. This makes me feel disconcerted because i feel whats the point and i am very lazy, I'm tired a lot of the time and i am not a morning person, i often never remember my mornings because i don't pay attention to things when i am tired. I also have a lot of energy which is why i like playing sports and running around.
When we listened to music in class it made me realize that music makes people feel a certain way and can express an emotion more strongly. For example when your watching a scary movie, they play high pitched violin music or whatever and it really does make you scared more. It doesn't make sense to play reggaton at a funeral because that type of music is upbeat.
I wasn't in class when we talked about the nozicks machine, but the way it was explained to me was you could enter the machine and do what ever you want, for example time travel, fly, swim underwater. If i could i would enter the machine, i would rather travel throughout time and travel all over the world and see what this world really has to offer than live out my life. I don't even enjoy half of the things i do, i feel like i am forced to do things all the time. My parents have me go places with them, where i don't want to go. I don't want to go to school, i really don't like school but i still have to go because if i didn't i would be in a even worse situation. I would say that i spend 50% of my time actually doing things i like doing.
Ardy Lang said " Our capacity to see, hear, touch, taste, and smell is so shrouded in veils of mystification that an intensive discipline of un-learning is necessary for anyone before one can begin to experience the world afresh, with innocence, truth and love." Ardy Laing said we are taught at a young age to loose ourselves, our feelings are easily manipulated. The care bears is a show teaching kids to feel a certain way.
Looking over my feelings throughout the past few weeks in class i noticed i usually said the same thing. On a typical day i was content with my self, i felt ok being in school. Not great, not bad. I was also tired a lot of the time, those were the morning classes. Whenever I'm in school i always think about being out of school, what am i doing this weekend and so on.
A lot of the time we don't deal with out feelings the right way. I don't always deal with my emotions the way i should, i tend to overreact sometimes. x
Friday, November 30, 2007
6 chunk
1. "Our capacity to think, except in the service of what we are dangerously deluded in supposing in our self-interest, and in conformity with common sense, is pitifully limited: our capacity even to see, hear, touch, taste, and smell is so shrouded in veils of mystification that an intensive discipline of un learning is necessary for anyone before one can begin to experience the world afresh, with innocence, truth and love." -Ardy Lang
My take on this is, the way we think is automatic, and we dont really have control over our thoughts. We just go with the sensations our body feels, we dont really think about it that much.
2. When someone asks me a question, i go back into time in my head and i use my memory. Memory is important for my thinking strategies. The way i make a decision in life about anything, i think about what i have done in the past and the mistakes i have made and i visualize situations that i have been in. When i am thinking about making a decision my thinking process goes into the future. I think about the outcome of that certain decision and what the result will be.
3. There are all types of intellegence. Based on how well you do in school, determines the college you go to, and the job you get and the money you earn. But school smart does not account for everything and i am learned that there is all different levels of intellegence. I have met so many different types of people, and i know a lot of people who are "steet smart" and i think thats something you'll never learn at school and school cannot teach us everything we need to know.
4. A lot of the time i think i dont have control over my thinking. I mean, i am in control of my thoughts but when ever i day dream i find that i am not in control over my thoughts and my day dreams are sometimes like a dream, its crazy. A Freudian slip is when you say something you didnt mean to say, but you said it anyway. It is caused by the unconcious mind. I have had a Freudian slip many times, and everytime i say something it is something i didnt mean to say, but im thinking about in my head and i didnt really want anyone to hear what i said.
5. Aestetics: Our society is very judgmental, and we are constantly judging others based on appearences. There are people who are pleasing to look at, but what makes them pleasing? i cant say i dont judge because i do judge others based on appearences. "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" What criteria is used to base the standards of beauty. In a lot of ways the media influences what people consider beautiful. What part of my thinking process do i use to decide who is aestheicly pleasing in appearence. I cant even say what thinking process i use, its just myself and others can tell when something or someone is aesteticly pleasing. What is pretty? i think everyone has their own standards and
6. Metacognition: Definition " Thinking about thinking" We think everyday, all the time, even when we dont realize we are thinking and having a thought process, we are. But we rarley think about our thinking. How did i make that decison? Why did i choose this? People live out of habit, and we are automatic. We are automatic thinkers. When you first learn to do something you think about each step you up put into it. Like driving for example, when you are learning how to drive, you pay attention to every detail and can recall every detail. But once you drive for a while, you can drive somewhere out of habit, because your used to it. my mom for example, drives me places and once she said to me. "I dont even remember how i got here." This is because she doesnt have to think about it anymore, she had taken that route many times before and was used to the drive.
Last year in class we watched the movie "Momento" The main character had lost his memory and said "Habit and routine make my life possible." He had lost his memory so he had no new memories to help him everyday. Habit, routine, and a lot of notes made him live as an automatic thinker.
My take on this is, the way we think is automatic, and we dont really have control over our thoughts. We just go with the sensations our body feels, we dont really think about it that much.
2. When someone asks me a question, i go back into time in my head and i use my memory. Memory is important for my thinking strategies. The way i make a decision in life about anything, i think about what i have done in the past and the mistakes i have made and i visualize situations that i have been in. When i am thinking about making a decision my thinking process goes into the future. I think about the outcome of that certain decision and what the result will be.
3. There are all types of intellegence. Based on how well you do in school, determines the college you go to, and the job you get and the money you earn. But school smart does not account for everything and i am learned that there is all different levels of intellegence. I have met so many different types of people, and i know a lot of people who are "steet smart" and i think thats something you'll never learn at school and school cannot teach us everything we need to know.
4. A lot of the time i think i dont have control over my thinking. I mean, i am in control of my thoughts but when ever i day dream i find that i am not in control over my thoughts and my day dreams are sometimes like a dream, its crazy. A Freudian slip is when you say something you didnt mean to say, but you said it anyway. It is caused by the unconcious mind. I have had a Freudian slip many times, and everytime i say something it is something i didnt mean to say, but im thinking about in my head and i didnt really want anyone to hear what i said.
5. Aestetics: Our society is very judgmental, and we are constantly judging others based on appearences. There are people who are pleasing to look at, but what makes them pleasing? i cant say i dont judge because i do judge others based on appearences. "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" What criteria is used to base the standards of beauty. In a lot of ways the media influences what people consider beautiful. What part of my thinking process do i use to decide who is aestheicly pleasing in appearence. I cant even say what thinking process i use, its just myself and others can tell when something or someone is aesteticly pleasing. What is pretty? i think everyone has their own standards and
6. Metacognition: Definition " Thinking about thinking" We think everyday, all the time, even when we dont realize we are thinking and having a thought process, we are. But we rarley think about our thinking. How did i make that decison? Why did i choose this? People live out of habit, and we are automatic. We are automatic thinkers. When you first learn to do something you think about each step you up put into it. Like driving for example, when you are learning how to drive, you pay attention to every detail and can recall every detail. But once you drive for a while, you can drive somewhere out of habit, because your used to it. my mom for example, drives me places and once she said to me. "I dont even remember how i got here." This is because she doesnt have to think about it anymore, she had taken that route many times before and was used to the drive.
Last year in class we watched the movie "Momento" The main character had lost his memory and said "Habit and routine make my life possible." He had lost his memory so he had no new memories to help him everyday. Habit, routine, and a lot of notes made him live as an automatic thinker.
Monday, November 26, 2007
quotes from my classmates
1. “I have never had a very deep connection with my dreams and keeping a dream journal definitely helped me to realize that.” Jake R.
I choose this quote because I agree with what Jake is saying. A dream journal really helps me be connected with my dreams. Where as before I was disconnected from my dreams because I never remembered them.
2. “Dream are basically portals into our subconcious, and are therefore our only means of truly having an encounter with ourself.” Michael M
I chose this quote because I agree with it what he is saying. I know from my own personal experience that my dreams are to the root my myself in a way, and my dreams sometimes show something I want.
3. “Before this unit I was not able to remember most of my dreams and if I did, I would not be able to remember them past after a certain amount of time. This dreams unit helped me focus more into the dreams and I gained control over certain aspects of them.” Jorenz
I choose this quote because I completely agree, before this dreams unit I wasn’t dreaming as frequently and now I am dreaming almost every night. And I had a lucid dream, I knew I was dreaming and it was fun to have control over my dreams.
I choose this quote because I agree with what Jake is saying. A dream journal really helps me be connected with my dreams. Where as before I was disconnected from my dreams because I never remembered them.
2. “Dream are basically portals into our subconcious, and are therefore our only means of truly having an encounter with ourself.” Michael M
I chose this quote because I agree with it what he is saying. I know from my own personal experience that my dreams are to the root my myself in a way, and my dreams sometimes show something I want.
3. “Before this unit I was not able to remember most of my dreams and if I did, I would not be able to remember them past after a certain amount of time. This dreams unit helped me focus more into the dreams and I gained control over certain aspects of them.” Jorenz
I choose this quote because I completely agree, before this dreams unit I wasn’t dreaming as frequently and now I am dreaming almost every night. And I had a lucid dream, I knew I was dreaming and it was fun to have control over my dreams.
Monday, November 19, 2007
5th chunk
Ardy Lang believes "As men of the world, we hardly know of the existence of the inner world; we barley remember our dreams, and make little sense of them when we do;" Ardy Lang argues that dreams mean something, and one reason people dont know the very meaning of themselves is because we dont remember our dreams and we dont ever stop to think what do our dreams really mean.
I agree somewhat with Ardy Langs arguemnt. Because what difference will making sence of my dreams have on my life? Not only that, people dont have control over their dreams. I cant control what i dream about, when i dream, and if i have a lucid dream or not. Its hard to remember ever detail of our dreams.
my personal experience related to ardy langs argument
Something ive notcied is ever since we started talking about dreams in class, i have been remembering my dreams more often. Is crazy because I am dreaming again, when i stopped for a while. Also i am writing my dreams down and trying to understand what they really mean. I love having dreams because my dreams at least to me, mean something and i have fun in my dreams. The other night i had a dream i was swinging from tree to tree with some sort of animal. I cant do that in my everyday life, and it was fun.
I have to write in my dream journal right after i wake up, or in the middle of the night because i easily forget my dream and the details in my dreams. Often i have more than one dream in one night. Also my dreams to me play like a movie, but they never have a begenning. My dreams always begin in the middle but never have an ending. My dreams are like the middle of a movie, and i often dont see what happens in the end of my dream, it cuts off. This reminds me of the music video we watched in class. Where the man was lying of the street and eveyone was sourounding him and wanted to know why he was lying down. He responded by telling the people "You dont want to know why im lying here" the crowd grew larger and they aked him if he was lying there because there was no point in living and he responded no. When the man told the people why he was lying there we couldnt hear what he was saying, soon the whole crown was lying on the floor. This is similar to my dreams because there are so many dreams where i never see the end, and i want to see the outcome of my dream but never do.
In class we were talking about imagination and dreams. Everybody has daydreams when your sitting in class while your mind drifts away and your thoughts take over you. This happenes to me all the time, I'm in my own little world a lot of the time. I think that dreaming and your imagination are similar, but not the same. You have control over your imagination and your thoughts in class. But you have no control over your dreams. I think dreams are more meaningful than your imagination, because dreams are the root of your inner most desires. Dreams are the root of you, and dreams ofter reveal a lot about a person and thier thoughts. People try to hide their feelings and emotions while awake, but when dreaming you can see how you really feel and what you really want. People choose to not pay attention to dreams because they think they mean nothing. After reading Fromm, and the Ardy Lang articles i am paying more attention to my dreams, also i am having dreams more often which i like.
My beliefe about dreams is that dreams show your inner, deepest most desires. I think dreams are all about what you want.
This matters because what you want in life is important, and important in your life.
Ardy Lang believes "As men of the world, we hardly know of the existence of the inner world; we barley remember our dreams, and make little sense of them when we do;" Ardy Lang argues that dreams mean something, and one reason people dont know the very meaning of themselves is because we dont remember our dreams and we dont ever stop to think what do our dreams really mean.
I agree somewhat with Ardy Langs arguemnt. Because what difference will making sence of my dreams have on my life? Not only that, people dont have control over their dreams. I cant control what i dream about, when i dream, and if i have a lucid dream or not. Its hard to remember ever detail of our dreams.
my personal experience related to ardy langs argument
Something ive notcied is ever since we started talking about dreams in class, i have been remembering my dreams more often. Is crazy because I am dreaming again, when i stopped for a while. Also i am writing my dreams down and trying to understand what they really mean. I love having dreams because my dreams at least to me, mean something and i have fun in my dreams. The other night i had a dream i was swinging from tree to tree with some sort of animal. I cant do that in my everyday life, and it was fun.
I have to write in my dream journal right after i wake up, or in the middle of the night because i easily forget my dream and the details in my dreams. Often i have more than one dream in one night. Also my dreams to me play like a movie, but they never have a begenning. My dreams always begin in the middle but never have an ending. My dreams are like the middle of a movie, and i often dont see what happens in the end of my dream, it cuts off. This reminds me of the music video we watched in class. Where the man was lying of the street and eveyone was sourounding him and wanted to know why he was lying down. He responded by telling the people "You dont want to know why im lying here" the crowd grew larger and they aked him if he was lying there because there was no point in living and he responded no. When the man told the people why he was lying there we couldnt hear what he was saying, soon the whole crown was lying on the floor. This is similar to my dreams because there are so many dreams where i never see the end, and i want to see the outcome of my dream but never do.
In class we were talking about imagination and dreams. Everybody has daydreams when your sitting in class while your mind drifts away and your thoughts take over you. This happenes to me all the time, I'm in my own little world a lot of the time. I think that dreaming and your imagination are similar, but not the same. You have control over your imagination and your thoughts in class. But you have no control over your dreams. I think dreams are more meaningful than your imagination, because dreams are the root of your inner most desires. Dreams are the root of you, and dreams ofter reveal a lot about a person and thier thoughts. People try to hide their feelings and emotions while awake, but when dreaming you can see how you really feel and what you really want. People choose to not pay attention to dreams because they think they mean nothing. After reading Fromm, and the Ardy Lang articles i am paying more attention to my dreams, also i am having dreams more often which i like.
My beliefe about dreams is that dreams show your inner, deepest most desires. I think dreams are all about what you want.
This matters because what you want in life is important, and important in your life.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
chunk 4
Fourth Chunk
I would have to say i agree with some of the points Lang is making, and it makes me wonder why we don't remember our childhood. It made me think, we don't only forget the essence of our childhood, but the essence of our lives as well. Middle school and high school is still a blur in my mind, and it was very recent. Since we are always changing, time erases memories.
My childhood is like a vague dream. Just like dreams i only remember the highlights, and i don't recall the details. But i also disagree with Lang's argument, because i do remember the feeling of my childhood and its essence. Its hard for me to describe, but along with certain memories i have certain emotions and feelings that go along with those memories. I feel like i do remember the essence of my childhood. There are a few reasons that i remember the essence of my childhood. I have lived in the same neighborhood since i was a little girl, and memories are sparked everyday when i come home. I have also gone to SOF from sixth grade until now. I was constantly around the same enviorment, at home and at school and i was constantly reminded of my past. I also see a lot of the same people i knew in middle school.
But i feel like a lot of people are not reminded of their past that much. Many kids move, they change schools, and meet new people and as people get older we forget who we once were. In the movie Harold and Maude, Harold has lost touch with himself. His mother is to blame. Life for Harold seems meaningless and he fakes death in his house. Maude was Harold's push, and she helped him become more in touch with his body.
One childhood memory I had was when I broke my left arm. I don’t remember how old I was I was young and it was before elementary school. As most children have a lot of energy, so did I. I was a crazy kid, I had a lot of energy and I was always crazy, running around, running away from my mom, etc. One day I in my brother’s room, my brother was a teenager in high school when I broke my arm. I was jumping on his bed; we always played the same game. I would jump and he would trip me and I’d fall on the bed. I loved this game, me and my brother also used to jump from a high mattress onto a futon but that is a different memory. Anyway my brother tripped me and I landed on my arm the wrong way, it made a cracking sound and I remember excruciating pain, my arm hurt a lot. I could’t lift my arm. I was crying, my father is a nervous wreck, and started blaming my brother for playing too rough with me. My mom freaks out and she was freaking out. My parents took me to the hospital (I have no memory or the hospital though) I just remember wearing a cast at school.
When i was in elementary school my best friend and i would play in my living room. We would have so much fun and i really miss it. We would make forts out of my couches, we'd take the cushions apart and create a fort where we could stay. Each of us had our own fort. After that we would throw the extra pillows on the floor to increase the size of our forts, and we would finish by placing a blanket over the top of the couch making it our own hide away.
For some reason the most vivid memories of mine are where i was in pain. When i was a little girl i don't remember my age i was playing on red monkey bars. I was holding onto the monkey bars with my little hands, i lifted myself up and lifted my legs onto the monkey bars as well where i lifted my entire body up. Now i my whole body was ontop of the monkeybars (the highest point) I dont remember how i fell, i just remember falling face down onto the rubber black padding in parks. It really is important to have rubber padding in parks. I rememebr my dad rushing over to me and picking me up.
I would have to say i agree with some of the points Lang is making, and it makes me wonder why we don't remember our childhood. It made me think, we don't only forget the essence of our childhood, but the essence of our lives as well. Middle school and high school is still a blur in my mind, and it was very recent. Since we are always changing, time erases memories.
My childhood is like a vague dream. Just like dreams i only remember the highlights, and i don't recall the details. But i also disagree with Lang's argument, because i do remember the feeling of my childhood and its essence. Its hard for me to describe, but along with certain memories i have certain emotions and feelings that go along with those memories. I feel like i do remember the essence of my childhood. There are a few reasons that i remember the essence of my childhood. I have lived in the same neighborhood since i was a little girl, and memories are sparked everyday when i come home. I have also gone to SOF from sixth grade until now. I was constantly around the same enviorment, at home and at school and i was constantly reminded of my past. I also see a lot of the same people i knew in middle school.
But i feel like a lot of people are not reminded of their past that much. Many kids move, they change schools, and meet new people and as people get older we forget who we once were. In the movie Harold and Maude, Harold has lost touch with himself. His mother is to blame. Life for Harold seems meaningless and he fakes death in his house. Maude was Harold's push, and she helped him become more in touch with his body.
One childhood memory I had was when I broke my left arm. I don’t remember how old I was I was young and it was before elementary school. As most children have a lot of energy, so did I. I was a crazy kid, I had a lot of energy and I was always crazy, running around, running away from my mom, etc. One day I in my brother’s room, my brother was a teenager in high school when I broke my arm. I was jumping on his bed; we always played the same game. I would jump and he would trip me and I’d fall on the bed. I loved this game, me and my brother also used to jump from a high mattress onto a futon but that is a different memory. Anyway my brother tripped me and I landed on my arm the wrong way, it made a cracking sound and I remember excruciating pain, my arm hurt a lot. I could’t lift my arm. I was crying, my father is a nervous wreck, and started blaming my brother for playing too rough with me. My mom freaks out and she was freaking out. My parents took me to the hospital (I have no memory or the hospital though) I just remember wearing a cast at school.
When i was in elementary school my best friend and i would play in my living room. We would have so much fun and i really miss it. We would make forts out of my couches, we'd take the cushions apart and create a fort where we could stay. Each of us had our own fort. After that we would throw the extra pillows on the floor to increase the size of our forts, and we would finish by placing a blanket over the top of the couch making it our own hide away.
For some reason the most vivid memories of mine are where i was in pain. When i was a little girl i don't remember my age i was playing on red monkey bars. I was holding onto the monkey bars with my little hands, i lifted myself up and lifted my legs onto the monkey bars as well where i lifted my entire body up. Now i my whole body was ontop of the monkeybars (the highest point) I dont remember how i fell, i just remember falling face down onto the rubber black padding in parks. It really is important to have rubber padding in parks. I rememebr my dad rushing over to me and picking me up.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
assighnment #1
Revised Summary
I felt i understood the text 80%, I understood the basic points Freud was making even further than the main ideas. I didn't understand it 100%. When we are young we are taught to lose ourselves, and become normal. What we call normal, what we are taught to believe is normal is a form of destruction. We are taught not to be ourselves, but to experience the world the way people tell us to experience things. We are stripped of our deeds, we're alienated from our everyday lives.
Personal Reaction of text
I know what Freud is saying, but i don't think i understand him 100% I don't know how i am completely lost when i feel fairly aware of my self and my body.
Children are free, happy, and in touch with themselves more than anyone else and that is the easiest time to manipulate a person. When their young and naive, Kids don't have manners, they run around naked, and they are always laughing and having a good time. That is the way life should be, but its not that way. Everyone is taught to grow up and act their age.
Summary of Laing's excerpt
I agree with a lot of the ideas Freud was making. In the second paragraph Freud says "We hardly know the existence of our inner world; we barely remember our dreams, and make little sense of them when we do." Our dreams out our inner most thoughts, they make up of our self conscience and they express how we feel and I hardly ever remember my dreams when i wake up, but i always remember having a dream which is weird. Freud says most people are alienated from ourselves. but he never says who is not alienated from their bodies. Is Freud alienated from his body, does he feel in touch with who he is. who is in touch with themselves? As humans we should be more in touch with our bodies and our minds, which Freud says we are not. But if we are taught as children to lose ourselves it is hard to impossible to find ourselves again. Since children can be easily taught or brainwashed, most of us are "lost" all together.
On the second page, the fith small paragraph states "Our behavior is a function of our experience. We act according to the way we see things." This reminded me of the activities we did in class. Such as being completely aware of our bodies, from our big toe to our center point and how our stomach moves when we run. We act according to the way we see things, not the way we feel things. It was hard for me to pay attention to one part of my body. When I'm walking down the street i feel my feet, because i am walking on them. But i don't feel my stomach, surprisingly when i feel pain, i feel in touch with my body more than ever. When i was 4 years old i broke my left arm, thinking back on this day i never felt my arm as much as when i broke my arm. It was he worst pain i have ever felt.
Initial Personal Reaction
This connects to my life because i should be more aware of everything. Starting from my body and my movements. To my breathing, to my thoughts and my dreams and the people around me and to my memories. After reading this article i think i am a lost child, (if we are all lost) Maybe by paying being more aware of everything listed above i can change.
Sensual Awareness and embodiment
Today in class when we had to stand to 6 minutes straight. It was surprisingly hard for me to stand still, i was fidgeting and i was watching other people around me more than focusing on my body. This shows us that humans have to constantly be entertained 24/7, we get bored easily and distracted easily and we like distractions. This is a bad thing because we are alienated from our own experience making it hard for most of us to focus. According to Freud "Our behavior is a function of our experience. We act according to the way we see things." We don't act according to the way we feel things. Maybe that is why it was hard for me to stand for 6 minutes doing nothing. Because like myself and more than half the class we must all be in some way alienated from our lives in some ways. I always listen to my ipod, i listen to my ipod on the train. It distracts me from my surroundings and speeds things up, my train rides are faster when i read, or listen to music, or talk to a friend.
Most teenagers do live lives where they are not in touch with themselves. A few examples of the digital self is video games and computer games which mostly boys play. I used to play video games when i was younger (Nintendo 64, duck hunt, Sega!) but they really got to me in a bad way and i used to really play video games with the idea for however long i was playing that i was the character and i needed to get to the next level and i would get really upset if i lost. Myspace and facebook is another form of digital self but more about you. Myspace you have a web page where you can add pictures of yourself and talk to your friends online, Facebook has the same concept. Its a digital page of yourself, and another way of communication with out talking in person. Talking on AIM allows people to talk online without having to see the other person. Cell phones and text messages allow people to communicate without talking in person. Majority of teenagers spend a lot of time on either video games, myspace/facebook, AIM, text messaging/cell phone. But we don't get the same feeling as we do when we do something we love. A few things i love are being in the sun, at the beach during the summer time and tanning. I love the sun, i love the warmth of the sun on my skin and the refreshing cool ocean. The beach is amazing and I'm always happy at the ocean. I'd rather go to the beach talk to my friends on AIM any day. When you think about it, you never really talk about anything important. Its just a wast of time, and a good distraction. Teenagers love distractions, it is often very hard for me to focus and get work done. I really don't like doing work or studying, i would much rather hang out with friends or just relax by myself.
My experience and laing's argument about dreams
I do think my dreams have a reflection on my experience and my life. I also think that my dreams are very important and they tell us a lot about yourself and other people. I have noticed from my own experience that my dreams most of the time show the root of what i really want, and my dreams also tell me something about myself. I have really weird dreams most of the time, and i often dream. I think dreams are important and i really wish i dreamt more.
Most of my dreams, as Formm states are a distortion of my personal experience. Because my dreams consist of the people in my life, it’s just everything about my dreams in surreal. My dreams would never happen in real life. This article made me wonder how my dreams would differ without contact with the outside world. If I was secluded from society and people, how different would my dreams be?
Even though Fromm doesn’t value what Freud has to say as much as his own opinion, I agree with Freud more than Formm. Freud believes dreams represent our unconscious desires. From money, to a sexual desire and I agree with that, I’ve had many dreams of something I want.
“The negative elements of society’s influence do not explain the paradoxical fact that in our dreams we are certainly less rational and less fair than when awake but at the same time we are more intelligent, wiser, more able to judge than when we are awake. The fact is that our culture does not have only positive effects on our intellectual and moral functions but also negative effects” I choose this quote because I agree with it; our society has a negative effect on our dreams. Why do people have nightmares? When I was younger I watched a scary movie, and it affected my dreams. I had a night mare, this is a negative affect. But I have also studied before bed, and I wake up with a better understanding of the work then the night before, this is a positive affect. Our society has both a positive and negative affect on our dreams.
I felt i understood the text 80%, I understood the basic points Freud was making even further than the main ideas. I didn't understand it 100%. When we are young we are taught to lose ourselves, and become normal. What we call normal, what we are taught to believe is normal is a form of destruction. We are taught not to be ourselves, but to experience the world the way people tell us to experience things. We are stripped of our deeds, we're alienated from our everyday lives.
Personal Reaction of text
I know what Freud is saying, but i don't think i understand him 100% I don't know how i am completely lost when i feel fairly aware of my self and my body.
Children are free, happy, and in touch with themselves more than anyone else and that is the easiest time to manipulate a person. When their young and naive, Kids don't have manners, they run around naked, and they are always laughing and having a good time. That is the way life should be, but its not that way. Everyone is taught to grow up and act their age.
Summary of Laing's excerpt
I agree with a lot of the ideas Freud was making. In the second paragraph Freud says "We hardly know the existence of our inner world; we barely remember our dreams, and make little sense of them when we do." Our dreams out our inner most thoughts, they make up of our self conscience and they express how we feel and I hardly ever remember my dreams when i wake up, but i always remember having a dream which is weird. Freud says most people are alienated from ourselves. but he never says who is not alienated from their bodies. Is Freud alienated from his body, does he feel in touch with who he is. who is in touch with themselves? As humans we should be more in touch with our bodies and our minds, which Freud says we are not. But if we are taught as children to lose ourselves it is hard to impossible to find ourselves again. Since children can be easily taught or brainwashed, most of us are "lost" all together.
On the second page, the fith small paragraph states "Our behavior is a function of our experience. We act according to the way we see things." This reminded me of the activities we did in class. Such as being completely aware of our bodies, from our big toe to our center point and how our stomach moves when we run. We act according to the way we see things, not the way we feel things. It was hard for me to pay attention to one part of my body. When I'm walking down the street i feel my feet, because i am walking on them. But i don't feel my stomach, surprisingly when i feel pain, i feel in touch with my body more than ever. When i was 4 years old i broke my left arm, thinking back on this day i never felt my arm as much as when i broke my arm. It was he worst pain i have ever felt.
Initial Personal Reaction
This connects to my life because i should be more aware of everything. Starting from my body and my movements. To my breathing, to my thoughts and my dreams and the people around me and to my memories. After reading this article i think i am a lost child, (if we are all lost) Maybe by paying being more aware of everything listed above i can change.
Sensual Awareness and embodiment
Today in class when we had to stand to 6 minutes straight. It was surprisingly hard for me to stand still, i was fidgeting and i was watching other people around me more than focusing on my body. This shows us that humans have to constantly be entertained 24/7, we get bored easily and distracted easily and we like distractions. This is a bad thing because we are alienated from our own experience making it hard for most of us to focus. According to Freud "Our behavior is a function of our experience. We act according to the way we see things." We don't act according to the way we feel things. Maybe that is why it was hard for me to stand for 6 minutes doing nothing. Because like myself and more than half the class we must all be in some way alienated from our lives in some ways. I always listen to my ipod, i listen to my ipod on the train. It distracts me from my surroundings and speeds things up, my train rides are faster when i read, or listen to music, or talk to a friend.
Most teenagers do live lives where they are not in touch with themselves. A few examples of the digital self is video games and computer games which mostly boys play. I used to play video games when i was younger (Nintendo 64, duck hunt, Sega!) but they really got to me in a bad way and i used to really play video games with the idea for however long i was playing that i was the character and i needed to get to the next level and i would get really upset if i lost. Myspace and facebook is another form of digital self but more about you. Myspace you have a web page where you can add pictures of yourself and talk to your friends online, Facebook has the same concept. Its a digital page of yourself, and another way of communication with out talking in person. Talking on AIM allows people to talk online without having to see the other person. Cell phones and text messages allow people to communicate without talking in person. Majority of teenagers spend a lot of time on either video games, myspace/facebook, AIM, text messaging/cell phone. But we don't get the same feeling as we do when we do something we love. A few things i love are being in the sun, at the beach during the summer time and tanning. I love the sun, i love the warmth of the sun on my skin and the refreshing cool ocean. The beach is amazing and I'm always happy at the ocean. I'd rather go to the beach talk to my friends on AIM any day. When you think about it, you never really talk about anything important. Its just a wast of time, and a good distraction. Teenagers love distractions, it is often very hard for me to focus and get work done. I really don't like doing work or studying, i would much rather hang out with friends or just relax by myself.
My experience and laing's argument about dreams
I do think my dreams have a reflection on my experience and my life. I also think that my dreams are very important and they tell us a lot about yourself and other people. I have noticed from my own experience that my dreams most of the time show the root of what i really want, and my dreams also tell me something about myself. I have really weird dreams most of the time, and i often dream. I think dreams are important and i really wish i dreamt more.
Most of my dreams, as Formm states are a distortion of my personal experience. Because my dreams consist of the people in my life, it’s just everything about my dreams in surreal. My dreams would never happen in real life. This article made me wonder how my dreams would differ without contact with the outside world. If I was secluded from society and people, how different would my dreams be?
Even though Fromm doesn’t value what Freud has to say as much as his own opinion, I agree with Freud more than Formm. Freud believes dreams represent our unconscious desires. From money, to a sexual desire and I agree with that, I’ve had many dreams of something I want.
“The negative elements of society’s influence do not explain the paradoxical fact that in our dreams we are certainly less rational and less fair than when awake but at the same time we are more intelligent, wiser, more able to judge than when we are awake. The fact is that our culture does not have only positive effects on our intellectual and moral functions but also negative effects” I choose this quote because I agree with it; our society has a negative effect on our dreams. Why do people have nightmares? When I was younger I watched a scary movie, and it affected my dreams. I had a night mare, this is a negative affect. But I have also studied before bed, and I wake up with a better understanding of the work then the night before, this is a positive affect. Our society has both a positive and negative affect on our dreams.
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